Work on the recovery of the intimate sexual space of women with breast and ovarian cancer through an Equine Assisted Therapy

Project For 10 years we have been carrying out Equine Assisted therapy projects aimed at women with breast and ovarian cancer with the aim of self-regulating the nervous system during the cancer experience, becoming confident again with their new body and psychological changes. To achieve this result it is useful to also integrate the intimate and sexual part, deeply wounded and modified by the drugs used in the treatment of the disease and by surgical interventions, added to this are emotions such as anger and fear which interfere and block some parts of the body such as, for example, the pelvic floor. It is through experiences and psychological support work with horses that it is possible to make your nervous system experience new “Coherent” and “Complete” experiences. Contact with horses helps to increase body and somatic  awareness: the mind, heart, stomach and private parts gradually relax, perceiving sensations of support and non-judgment. The meetings take place within a herd of horses in freedom (no experience in equestrian disciplines is required and there is no saddle), experiencing moments of authentic and spontaneous connection experiencing a restorative touch. There are also moments of “sharing in a circle” including the group of horses and dogs in the “circle”.

Approaches adopted:
Psychological support
Somatic Experiencing®
Body oriented trauma treatment
Body Mindfulness practice